detox tea - weight management
€ 12,00
€ 15,00
Packaging: 28 teabags
- obese people can also take once after every meal
- one month intake makes you loos from 5-8 kg, while two months intake will have a remarkable effect
- Generally, one period of treatment is three months, after achieving your expectation reslut, you can take once every two days to maintain your weight and keep fat from increasing
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- green tea
- rhizoma smilacis glabra - tu fu ling
part used : rhizome
family: lilacea
origin: South China
active ingredients: saponins
- folium senna - fan xie ye
- flos lonicera - jin yin hua
used part: the flower
family : Caprifoliacea
Origin : Middle East China
active ingredients : chologenic acids
- rhizoma dioscorea- shan yao
part used: root branch
family: Dioscoreaceae
origin: Central China
active ingredients: diosgenin
- semen cassia - jue ming zi
- part used : the seed
family : fabacea
origin : China
active ingredients : anthraquinones - folium nelumbinis - he ye
used part: the leaf
family : Nymphaeacea
origin : South China
active ingredients : alkaloids, flavonoids
- green tea
- rhizoma smilacis glabra - tu fu ling
- folium senna - fan xie ye
- flos lonicera - jin yin hua
- rhizoma dioscorea- shan yao
- semen cassia - jue ming zi
- folium nelumbinis - he ye
- take once or twice daily, one teabag per time. Infuse in boiling water for 5 minutes and it's ready for use. Refill water for a few times after drinking
- not suitable for pregnant women, lactationg women
- use cautiously in persons with gastrointestinal disorders
- eating less greasy and spicy food and more vegetables rich in fiber will have a more significant effect