rheumatic tea - supports supple joints
- relieve rheumatic pains
- improve blood circulation and disperse stasis
- dispel cold
- claim on hold pending european approval
- it is used to dispel wind and dampness, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, disspate cold and unblock collaterals
ramulus mori - sang zhi
used part : the root branch
family : Moracea
origin : South China
active ingredients : flavonoids
radix angelica sinensis - dang gui
part used: the root
family: apiacea
origin : Western China (Gansu)
active ingredients : sterols, essential oils
radix cyathula - chuan niu xi
part used: the root
family: amaranthacea
origin: central China
active ingredients: cyasterone
radix glycyrrhizhae praeparata - gan cao
part used: the root
family: Labiatae
origin : Middle China in Yangtze valley
active ingredients : volatile oils
cortex eucomnia- du zhong
part used: bark
family : Eucommiacea
origin : Middle China
active ingredients : lignans, iridoids
camellia sinensis (tea)
radix glycyrrhizhae praeparata - gan cao
cortex eucomnia- du zhong,
camellia sinensis (tea)
take once or twice daily and one teabag per time. Infuse in boiling water for 5 minutes and then it's ready for use. Refill waterfor a fewminutes after drinking